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Francisco de Orellana, after having vainly sought El Dorado with Pizarro in the Provincia de los Canelos, and on the auriferous banks of the Napo, went down the great river of the Amazon. They are three powerful nations, the latter of which, stretching toward the west along the banks of the Guape or Uaupe, had been already mentioned in the voyages of Quesada and Huten.

I was frightened out of my wits. But he no! Que guape! Where's the hero who got the best of him? ha! ha! ha! What killed him, chico? "'His own strength, General, I answered." "But Gaspar Ruiz breathed yet. I had him carried in his poncho under the shelter of some bushes on the very ridge from which he had been gazing so fixedly at the fort while unseen death was hovering already over his head.

The valiant Philip de Urre sought for the great city of Manoa by traversing the Guaviare. Even now the Indians of San Jose de Maravitanos relate that, on sailing to the north-east for fifteen days, on the Guape or Uaupe, you reach a famous laguna de oro, surrounded by mountains, and so large that the opposite shore cannot be discerned.

"'Que guape! shouted the general in his ear. 'You are the bravest man living. You have saved my life. I am General Robles. Come to my quarters to-morrow, if God gives us the grace to see another day. "He never stirred as if deaf, without feeling, insensible. "We rode away for the town, full of our relations, of our friends, of whose fate we hardly dared to think.

I was frightened out of my wits. But he no! Que guape! Where's the hero who got the best of him? Ha! ha! ha! What killed him, chico? "'His own strength general, I answered." "BUT Gaspar Ruiz breathed yet. I had him carried in his poncho under the shelter of some bushes on the very ridge from which he had been gazing so fixedly at the fort while unseen death was hovering already over his head.

"'Que guape! shouted the General in his ear. 'You are the bravest man living. You have saved my life. I am General Robles. Come to my quarters to-morrow if God gives us the grace to see another day. "He never stirred as if deaf, without feeling, insensible. "We rode away for the town, full of our relations, of our friends, of whose fate we hardly dared to think.

We recognize with difficulty the Rio Uaupe in the Guaupe or Guape; the Xie, in the Guaicia; the Raudal de Atures, in Athule; the Caribbees, in the Calinas and Galibis; the Guaraunos or Uarau, in the Oaraw-its; etc.