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She herself was clad in the primrose-flowered paduasoy, with a petticoat of dark red satin and all her Mechlin lace for a fichu, while pearls her grand'maman's necklace were in her dark hair. Mrs. Beedie had woven her own frock with her own sturdy hands, and with a fresh mob-cap on her head and a very fresh rose on her cheek actively danced the whole night through.

"There are going to be 'flim-flams," she shouted triumphantly. Then with a toss of the head "Short eating!" It had chanced that one day when the lonely pioneer had dined with his fellow-stationers he had remarked approvingly of certain dishes of French cookery acquired from her Grand'maman's receipts "I dunno what ye might call them flim-flams, Mrs. MacLeod, but they make powerful short eatin'."

If it were not such a waste of goods she would make over her paduasoy coat for Fifine, for she loved to see a small child very fine of attire. But precious little time she would have for remodeling the paduasoy coat, a primrose-tinted ground with dark red roses, that had been her "grand'maman's" when new.

And ere Odalie could suffer more than a pang to realize that she was so far from that grave, her head drooped once more she was asleep. No; she was awake, awake and splendid in a white dress, her beautiful bridal dress in which she had looked a very queen, with her grand'maman's pearl necklace, itself an heirloom, about her white throat.