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In this way the pretty game ran on, the little goldenhaired, golden-faced, golden-voiced child dancing so gayly in their hearts, but nestling in them too, after her wilful fashion, until the serious thing came the tragedy. On the mad night when all ended, she was in the gayest, the most elf-like spirits.

Then he introduced her by careful selection to the poets, beginning with Tennyson, through Wordsworth, to Browning, and thence to the golden-voiced singers of the sonnet, and all of it she drank in with a wistful and wondering delight. Soon her visits came to be of almost daily occurrence.

In this way the pretty game ran on, the little goldenhaired, golden- faced, golden-voiced child dancing so gayly in their hearts, but nestling in them too, after her wilful fashion, until the serious thing came the tragedy. On the mad night when all ended, she was in the gayest, the most elf-like spirits.

Her hands pressed to her face, with flood of happy tears, she only says, "Oh! I'm so happy, Sam! So glad, so glad!" Pipe up there, golden-voiced magpie; give us one song more before you go to roost. Laugh out, old jackass; till you fetch an echo back from the foggy hollow.

The first phrases were as musical and rhythmical as if sung by a seductive golden-voiced siren: Black eyebrows, snow-white hands, and to indicate the tinyness Of her feet, I need only say she was an Andalusian countess.