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Imagine the effect of a double line of such lights all the way down the long, long canal, each calling up a ghost-light from under the blue ice." The tyrant shivered. "It sounds lovely," she said; "but I think I will wait. Come, girls, we'd better be getting back to the boat." "Sweet are the uses of an Albatross," I heard Starr murmur.

Up and up, by steep and winding wadies they mounted; under overhanging cliffs and past bald towers of hill-rock staring white in the moon, along black passes between brooding eminences of solid night, crowned with ghost-light; over high plateaus darkened with groves, down dales with singing, invisible streams running seaward and up again and on until the hills engulfed them wholly and those before were higher than any they had seen.

This could be plainly seen by the detested coastguard, and by three of his companions who had now joined him. It was beginning to be light, not daylight, but a sort of ghost-light that you could hardly believe was the beginning of sunshine, and the sky being blue again instead of black. The hated coastguard got impatient. He said "You'd best own up. It'll be the better for you.

Her heart was jumping about and thumping; her face and hair were wet with water that came out of her skin. The grey light in the passage was like the ghost-light of the dreams. Gas light was a good light; but when you turned it on Jenny came up and put it out again. She said, "Goodness knows when you'll get to sleep with that light flaring." There was never anybody about at bedtime.