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You easily guess I mean COUNTENANCE; for she has given you a very pleasing one; but you beg to be excused, you will not accept it; but on the contrary, take singular pains to put on the most 'funeste', forbidding, and unpleasing one that can possibly be imagined. This one would think impossible; but you know it to be true.

The business, for so gay and charming a man as Monsieur Beckett, is a little funeste. Pray read this note which reached me this morning." It certainly was not cheerful. It was a note stating that the body of his, the Count's cousin, Monsieur de St.

There was something funeste and mysterious even in his beauty; and her spirits faltered and sank in his presence. Something of the same unpleasant influence, too, or was it fancy, she thought his approach seemed now to exercise upon Gertrude also, and that she, too, was unaccountably chilled and darkened by his handsome, but ill-omened presence.

I stared at my cousin for some time, and then at the little boy, so refined, so beautiful, so funeste, in the oval frame. 'Yes, dear, said she, her eyes following mine; 'who'd have supposed he could ever have have fallen under so horrible a suspicion? 'The wretches! Of course, Uncle Silas of course, he's innocent? I said at last.

So the pretty oval, containing the fair golden hair and large eyes, the pale, unfathomable sphinx, remounted to its nail, and the funeste and beautiful child seemed to smile down oracularly on our conjectures. 'So is the face in the large portrait very singular more, I think, than that handsomer too.