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Herein is suggested a fluidic condition, singularly in accord with certain modern conceptions in theoretical physics.

Thus the erstwhile solid physical mass appears plastic and fluidic, readily swayed and changed by the vibratory harmonies or discords of thoughts and emotions as well as by foods, medicines and therapeutic treatment.

Circumstances are fluidic and impressionable, and take on any form that the mental power has achieved sufficient strength to stamp, and because of this which is the explanation of the outward phenomena whose significance, on the spiritual side, is all condensed in prayer one need never despond or despair.

Still, the fluidic hands emit a light of their own; and the question is, Can this emitted light penetrate solid substances "matter," as we understand it? As the result of a number of experiments, Dr. Ochorowicz ascertained that, in the majority of cases, these rays, like ultra-violet light, did not penetrate solid substances, as do the X-rays; yet their actinic action was found to be far stronger!

The question is: First, Do the facts occur? And if they do, what is the cause of them? What is the nature of these fluidic hands? To whom do they belong? Of what are they constituted? Are they the hands of a spirit, or mere exteriorizations from the body of the medium materializations, only partially independent?