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However, that does not matter. We'll soon introduce you." Beth smiled. "Thank you," she said drily, "that will be very nice." "I'll bring Fitzkillingham presently; he'll do anything for me. He was one of our set at the 'Varsity. That's the best of going to the 'Varsity. You meet the right kind of people there, people who can help you, you know, if you can get in with them as I did.

All I noted was the lily whiteness and her eyes, dark eyes! All the poetry and passion of her race shone in them. And on the spot I vowed to win her. I went back to the 'Varsity, and worked myself into the best set. Lord Fitzkillingham became, as you know, my most intimate friend. He was my best man at the wedding." "Then you married your ideal," said Beth. "You should be very happy." He sighed.

You'll like Fitzkillingham. He's a very good fellow." "Indeed!" said Beth. "What has he done?" "Done!" he echoed. "Oh, nothing that I know of. Consider his position! The Earl of Fitzkillingham, with a rent-roll of fifty thousand a year, has no need to do; he has only to be. There, he's caught my eye. I'll go and fetch him." "Pray do nothing of the kind," said Beth emphatically.

As he uttered that last sentence, Beth was again aware of something familiar in his appearance, and she felt sure she had heard him make that same remark more than once before but when? but where? "That is Lord Fitzkillingham," he continued, "that tall man who has just come in see, there! shaking hands with Mrs. Kilroy. He looks like a duke, don't you know.