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Blessed be God that there are still places where grinding poverty is unfelt and unfeared! "Riches fineless" belong to these deep, soft fields, and they become picturesque by the thought, as the sea becomes so by the passing of a ship, and the burning desert by the foot-print of a traveller or the ashes of his fire.

Wordsworth is the last man to 'look abroad into universality, if that alone constituted genius: he looks at home into himself, and is 'content with riches fineless. He would in the other case be 'poor as winter, if he had nothing but general capacity to trust to. He is the greatest, that is, the most original poet of the present day, only because he is the greatest egotist.

The book was Shaftesbury's Characteristics, in a fine old binding, with Gribelin's etchings. My father would as lieve it had been any other book; but for him to read was to be content, was 'riches fineless. The sketch promised well; and I set to work to finish it, determined to spare no time nor pains.

But the great poets have not verily occupied the entire field of poetry have not counted all the beatings of the human heart have not lighted on all those places whence poetry, like water from the smitten rock, rushes at the touch of genius have not exhausted all the "riches fineless" which garnish the universe nay, they have multiplied them infinitely, and shed on them a deeper radiance.