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In opposition to the great divine who for eight years spoke from this pulpit, and made this Epistle a special study for a great part of his life, Professor Ramsay maintains, by arguments drawn from geographical and epigraphical facts not known thirty years ago, when Dr.

We hear of no king of the name of "Busbalrao," or anything like it, from other sources; nor are the names of Krishna's three brothers as given by Nuniz at all like those of the two half-brothers mentioned in some of the inscriptions. More than one epigraphical record contains the following genealogy:

"But you will construct it surely, when you have lighted on the underlying system." "You think my epigraphical science is on the same level as my financial science. What a mistake!" "All right. But tell me what you have discovered about different towns." "London, for instance, I have found, is childish in its inscriptions and somewhat clownish.

This account may or may not be accurate in all details, but it at least tallies fairly with the epigraphical and other records of the time. According to him, Muhammad Taghlaq of Delhi, having reduced Gujarat, marched southwards through the Dakhan Balaghat, or high lands above the western ghats, and a little previous to the year 1336 seized the town and fortress of Anegundi.

I cannot, however, as yet determine the exact dates referred to, and the story differs from that acquired from Hindu and Portuguese accounts, the dates of which are confirmed by epigraphical records. Sultan Quli proclaimed himself an independent sovereign in 1512.

Some time, perhaps, an enterprising archæologist may be able to open the ruins about here, and verify the identification from epigraphical evidence. When we reached the valley Imam Sharif said: 'We do not know how we got down that place, for all of our feet was each 36 inches from the other foot. We had such trouble squeezing through the trees, too.