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It would be wrong to call Cathcart the "acting governor-general"; yet apart from military matters that term describes his position in civil matters not inadequately. Walrond, Letters and Journals of Lord Elgin, p. 424. "During a public service of twenty-five years I have always sided with the weaker party." Elgin-Grey Correspondence: Elgin to Grey on Grey's Colonial Policy, 8 October, 1852.

Elgin-Grey Correspondence: Elgin to Grey, 4 May, 1848. Elgin-Grey Correspondence: Elgin to Grey, 7 January, 1848. Ibid.: Elgin to Grey, 4 May, 1848. See an interesting reference in a letter to Sir Charles Wood, written from India. Walrond, op. cit. pp. 419-20. Elgin-Grey Correspondence: Elgin to Grey, 16 November, 1848. Walrond, p. 105. Mrs. Oliphant, Life of Laurence Oliphant, i. p. 120.

The whole speech is an admirable example of Disraeli's gift of irresponsible paradox. Hansard, 3 June, 1839. Ibid. 30 May, 1844. Hansard, 16 January, 1838. Walpole, Life of Lord John Russell, pp. 339-40. Walpole, Life of Lord John Russell, pp. 339-40. The reference is to the Rebellion Losses Act riots. Elgin-Grey Correspondence: Grey to Elgin, 8 August, 1849. Hansard, 30 May, 1844.

Ibid.: Elgin to Grey, 28 June, 1847. Elgin-Grey Correspondence: Grey to Elgin, 7 May, 1847. Ibid.: Elgin to Grey, 27 March, 1847. Elgin-Grey Correspondence: Elgin to Grey, 13 July, 1847. La Revue Canadienne, 21 December, 1847. The speech of the governor-general in proroguing Parliament, 1848. Elgin-Grey Correspondence: Grey to Elgin, 22 February, 1848.

Metcalfe's policy in the matter had really forced Elgin's hand. Elgin-Grey Correspondence: Elgin to Grey, 14 March, 1849. Elgin-Grey Correspondence: Elgin to Grey, 12 April, 1849. Elgin's letter of 8 October, 1852, criticizing Grey's book. The italics are my own. Elgin kept very closely in touch with the sentiments of the Canadian press, French and English. See his letters passim.

Richardson, in his curious characterization of the man in Eight Years in Canada. Sir F. B. Head to Lord Glenelg, February, 1836. The references to Baldwin in the Elgin-Grey Correspondence are, without exception, most cordial, and usually complimentary. The Hon. W. H. Draper, a moderate Conservative. Quoted in Hincks, Lecture on the Political History of Canada, p. 19. Ibid. pp. 18-19.

Elgin-Grey Correspondence: Elgin to Grey, 17 March, 1848. Elgin-Grey Correspondence: Elgin to Grey, 5 February, 1848. Episodes in a Life of Adventure, p. 57.

See, for a very complete statement of Bright's views on the point, his speech on Canadian Fortifications, 23 March, 1865. Cobden's colonial policy is scattered broadcast through his speeches. Morley, Life of Gladstone, i. p. 269. See the preliminary chapter in his Colonial Policy. Elgin-Grey Correspondence: Elgin to Grey, 6 December, 1848.

Faithful unto Death, a Memorial of John Anderson, late Janitor of Queen's College, p. 26. Sir Charles Bagot to Lord Stanley, 26 September, 1842. Bagot Correspondence: Cartwright to Bagot, 16 May, 1842. Arthur to Normanby, 2 July, 1839. Lord Sydenham to Lord John Russell, 23 February, 1841. Elgin-Grey Correspondence: W. L. Mackenzie to Major Campbell, 14 February, 1848.

To Elgin fell the honour not merely of seeing the need to choose the Canadian alternative, but also of recognizing the conditions under which the new plan would bring a deeper loyalty, and a more lasting union with Britain, as well as political content to Canada. Elgin-Grey Correspondence: Elgin to Grey, 24 February, 1847.