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Miss Timson lived, as it wuz her wish, and often her boast, right under the droppin's of the sanctuary. She lotted on it when she bought the place. The Baptist steeple towered up right by the side of her house. Her spare bed wuz immegietly under the steeple.

There was a quill-feather lyin' close by my hand the rock was strewed wi' feathers an' the birds' droppin's an' with it I tried to get at the rain-water that was caught in the crannies o' the rocks. While I was searchin' about I came across an egg. It was stinkin', but I ate it.

I'll see Mary and Martha Salter and Doctor Grace right off, and get ready to ketch the blessed shower. May the very first droppin's fall on you, my beautiful child. I've heard what a wise an' blessed help you've been to yo' father since yo' here lately. Ain't you a-goin' to give yo' heart to Jesus, daughter?"

There was equally good cover on the other side of the road. Kirby climbed the fence, investigating a dark splotch on the surface of the lane. "Fresh droppin's. Been a sight of trailin' 'long heah recent." The rest was elementary. There was no need for orders. Croff and Webb holed up on one side of the lane well apart; Drew and Kirby did the same on the other.

Miss Timson lived, as it wuz her wish, and often her boast, right under the droppin's of the sanctuary. She lotted on it when she bought the place. The Baptist steeple towered up right by the side of her house. Her spare bed wuz immegietly under the steeple.

But mebbe ye doesn't get the same kind o' newspapers which we poor folks gets reg'ler weekly penny lists o' murders, soocides, railway haccidents, burgul'ries, fires, droppin's down dead suddint, struck by lightnin' and collapsis, with remedies pervided for all in the advertisements invigoratin' to both old and young, bone and sinew, brain and body, whether it be pills, potions, tonics, lotions, ointment or min'ral waters.