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Then one of the nomes pulled a lever which replaced the cover on the pit and made the officers of Oogaboo and their Queen fast prisoners. As for Tik-Tok, he kept straight on to the cavern where Ruggedo sat in his throne and there he faced the Nome King and said: "I here-by con-quer you in the name of Queen Ann So-forth of Oo-ga-boo, whose Ar-my I am, and I de-clare that you are her pris-on-er!"

But you don't like Mr. Copley." "What has that to do with it?" rejoined Helen smartly. "I would go adventuring with any boy even 'Lasses." "Don't call him that," commanded Ruth. "Pooh! He likes it. Or he used to." "He is a nice fellow," Ruth declared, with more earnestness than there really seemed to be necessity for. "I de-clare!" murmured Helen. "Really! Does the wind sit in that quarter?"

"I pub-lish thee Banns of Marrr-i-ache between John Cor-rie Graeme of Lonn-donn and Mar-garet Brandt of Lonn-donn. If any of you know cause, or just im-ped-i-ment, why these two pair-sons should not be joined to-gether in holy matri-mony, ye are to de-clare it. This is thee first time of as-king."

"I say," he said in a minute, "why isn't the Lobster shop the best place for us to go after all, if we are really hungry? We could sit down at the table, you know, and listen to the Lobster's anecdotes, and then eat him afterward. In that way we could hear the stories and fill up beside." "Well I de-clare!" cried the Bellows. "What an idea! You most ungrateful boy!" "Not at all," said the Poker.