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While I looked, thinking only of the curve of Helen's lips and the dancing light in her eyes, and the glowing colour of her soft flesh, Prof. Darmstetter's thin, high-pitched voice grated almost at my ear. "T'at is Actinia sea anemone." "I come from the West; I have never seen the sea forms living," I answered with an effort, fearing that he meant to show me about the laboratory.

Darmstetter's shrewd little eyes twinkled with reassuring good-nature. "Vell, vell, ve shall see," said he, wagging his head; "maybe I find some use for you. I vatch you. Maybe I find for you some use t'at you don't expect, eh? Ve shall see." So he walked away, shrugging his shoulders and snapping his fingers and muttering to himself: "Ve shall see; we shall see."

Darmstetter's death upset her terribly, too. She never will speak of it. But she'll be as right as right with me. Bring her 'round as soon as the man comes for the trunks. You've only to head up a barrel of dishes, quick, 'fore Clesta gets in any fine work smashing 'em."

And at times throughout the session he chuckled as if he had heard of an excellent joke. "Good gracious!" I whispered to one of the aproned girls that had watched the encounter students like myself "that's an encouraging reception, isn't it?" "It is," she gravely replied. "We're all jealous of you. You are evidently destined to become Prof. Darmstetter's favourite pupil.