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The hunt of to-day is but a pale, though bloody, imitation of the real sport of the days when monarchs and their seigneurs in slashed doublet and hose and velvet cloaks pursued the deer of the forest to his death, and knew not the maitre d'equipage of to-day. Chantilly, because of its royal associations, properly finds its place in every traveller's French itinerary.

In the spring the equipage goes to Rosny, near Mantes, and perhaps during the same season occasionally to Rambouillet. The hunts at Chamblay are the perfection of the practice of the art. Seldom is the quarry wanting. The refrain of the Ode to Saint Hubert lauds the prowess of this great "Maitre d'Equipage."

As we sat at the table, even, it was agreed that Rupert and I should join the ship, as green hands, the very next morning, signing the articles as soon as we went on shore. This was done accordingly, and I had the felicity of writing Miles Wallingford to the roll d'equipage, to the tune of eighteen dollars per month seamen then actually receiving thirty and thirty-five dollars per month wages.

The next morning there is the Eclaireur lying a mile or so out, and there is a boat with the bo'sun maître d'équipage pulling towards the surf. I wade out to the brink. He halloes: "Where is the landing, then?" "Mais ici" Right here, I say. "Yes, that's all very well for persons, but where do you land les bagages?" "Mais ici" I say again, and he says, "Diable!"

"Trente-six canons," repeated the Frenchman, writing, "c'est bien alors, l'equipage." "How many men? I will be here at dark." "Two hundred and seventy men; but many away in prizes." "Deux cents soixante-dix hommes d'equipage; mais il y a beaucoup dans les batimens pris." Newton and the others were also interrogated, the names taken down, and the parties then quitted the prison.