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It had a rather sweet taste, and the children seemed to like it, having first obtained permission of their governess to eat it. "That is another of the things that I thought 'puffickly d'licious' when I was a child," said the young lady, laughing.

Maggy being broad awake, and in the act of distantly gloating over the fruit and cakes with chuckles of anticipation, Clennam made the best diversion in his power by pouring her out a glass of wine, which she drank in a series of loud smacks; putting her hand upon her windpipe after every one, and saying, breathless, with her eyes in a prominent state, 'Oh, ain't it d'licious!

You must remember to 'touch not, taste not, handle not, until you have asked permission. But I am going to let you all chew as many birch-shoots as you want, and I too shall chew some; for when I was a little girl, I used to think they were 'puffickly d'licious."

Baskets of pears 'eaped up, marrers, apples and pears, d'licious great nuts." His voice became luscious "Benanas, oranges." "What's benanas?" asked the boy, "and oranges?" "Fruits they was. Sweet, juicy, d'licious fruits. Foreign fruits. They brought 'em from Spain and N' York and places. In ships and things. They brought 'em to me from all over the world, and I sold 'em in my shop.

'She had never been at peace before, sir, said Little Dorrit, turning towards Arthur for an instant and speaking low, 'and she always runs off upon that. 'Such beds there is there! cried Maggy. 'Such lemonades! Such oranges! Such d'licious broth and wine! Such Chicking! Oh, AIN'T it a delightful place to go and stop at!