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Crozy, selection has had the largest part in regard to the size, while the color-patterns are introduced qualities. The scientific analysis of other intricate examples is still more difficult. To the practical breeder they often seem very simple, but the student of heredity, who wishes to discern the different factors, is often quite puzzled by this apparent simplicity.

Since that time he and many others, have improved the flowers in the shape and size, as well as in color and its patterns. In the main, these ameliorations have been due to the discovery and introduction of new wild species possessing the required characters. This is illustrated by the following incident. In the year 1892 I visited Mr. Crozy at Lyons.

The ordinary types at the time of my visit had reached 61 by 21 mm., and the "Madame Crozy" showed 66 by 30 mm. It had however, already been surpassed by a few commercial varieties, which had the same length but a breadth of 35 mm. And the latest production, which required some years of propagation before being put on the market, measured 83 by 43 mm.

These first hybrids had bright foliage and were tall plants, but their flowers were by no means remarkable. Once begun, hybridization was widely practiced. About the year 1889 Crozy exhibited at Paris the first beautifully flowering form, which he named for his wife, "Madame Crozy."