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A small, shiny, pink card lay on the round table in Sylvia Bailey's sitting-room at the Hôtel de l'Horloge in Paris. She had become quite accustomed to finding one or more cards cards from dressmakers, cards from corset-makers, cards from hairdressers lying on her sitting-room table, but there had never been a card quite like this card.

There, beneath the shadow of those marble walls, where once the sainted Borromeo preached, the cunningest Parisian artists may be found so rich in corn and wine and silk are Lombard plains-modists and mercers, corset-makers, lacemen, skilled so to clothe the limbs of beauty, that every fold shall but display the perfect handiwork of nature, yet add to it the further grace of art.

From all that Harry tells me, I judge what with hunting up fashions and fabrics and corset-makers and all the rest of it, you have done the work, daily, of about two able-bodied men." "That's right," averred Harry. "I was too much of a greenhorn to give her much assistance." "Still, you understand your own end of the business, I take it," said his father, turning suddenly upon him. "Yes, I do.

It is astonishing how little way a hundred pounds goes among the dressmakers, corset-makers, and shoemakers of Lutetia. 'I had no notion that clothes were so dear, said Lesbia, when she saw how little she had got for her money.

"The camel species, the elephant-type, the cowlike ruminating specimen milky mother of the lowing herd, as an English poet has expressed it, and very well, too should" he flung out one little hairy hand vehemently "go with the advance of corset-makers and civilization. She comes!" The door had opened, and Charmian came in. Instantly her eyes fastened on Madame Sennier.