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Also if any glimpse of Oxford Street would be visible. Then if you'll add to your favours by getting me a second-hand copy of Laveleye's 'Socialisme Contemporain, I should be for ever grateful. We are settled in here all right.

The French and Italian are as follows: Pierre Schlemihl. Paris, chez Ladvocat, 1822. This was revised by Chamisso in manuscript, who added a preface to it; but the translation was afterwards capriciously altered by the same publisher. Un Roman du Poete Allemand contemporain, Adelbert de Chamisso; traduit par N. Martin. Histoire merveilleuse de Pierre Schlemihl. Dunquerque, 1837.

Two Frenchmen, M. Foucher de Careil and M. Challemel Lacour, who visited Schopenhauer during his last days, have given an account of their impressions of the interview, the latter in an article entitled, "Un Bouddhiste Contemporain en Allemagne," which appeared in the Revue des Deux Mondes for March 15th, 1870. M. Foucher de Careil gives a charming picture of him:

No one can deny that this literature engages the reader's most intense interest by the seductive sagacity of the movement, the variety of incident, and the most perfect command of those means calculated to produce certain ends. In 1866 appeared a collection of poems, "Le Parnasse Contemporain," which included contributions of many poets already named, and of others unknown.

I must recognize that one of the recent historians of socialism, M. l'Abbé Winterer more candid and honorable than more than one jesuitical journalist distinguishes always, in each country, the socialist movement from the anarchist movement. WINTERER, le Socialisme contemporain, Paris, 1894, 2nd edition.

His economic ideas, which he thought out for himself, were in advance of his time, and he has even been described by a recent writer as "un contemporain egare au xviii siecle." Some of his financial proposals were put into practice by Turgot.