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The tribes for whom this reservation is designed are known as Colvilles, Okinakanes, San Poels, Lake Spokanes, Coeur d'Alênes, Calispells, and Methows.

Oh, we'll send over for them. I'm sure your Mother won't mind your staying!" There was no possibility of refusal, for Mrs. Glyn Williams had quite settled the matter, and invited the Castletons and the Macleods and the Colvilles and several other people on the spot.

He has sometimes found himself the object of little jealousies on her part, but by promptly deciding all questions between her and her mother in Effie's favour he has convinced her of the groundlessness of her suspicions. In the absence of any social pressure to the contrary, the Colvilles spent the summer in Palazzo Pinti.

"Stick on tight, ma dear!" "Don't 'ee walk behind or her'll kick!" "Mind her don't run away with ee!" "Don't they ride pretty, bless 'em!" At the bridge by the harbour the party was reinforced by Fay and Tattie, and farther on they were joined by the Colvilles, so that they were twelve strong as they left the town, and a particularly merry crew.

They adored Chagmouth, and the Saturdays they managed to spend there were always red-letter days, so the prospect of three whole weeks in this El Dorado sent their spirits up to fizzing-over point. "Bevis will be at Grimbal's Farm!" "And Tudor will be at home!" "The Castletons are expecting Morland and Claudia!" "And, of course, Fay will be there, and Tattie, and the Colvilles!" "Goody!