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In conjunction with the celebrated Fraunhofer he made disks of nine or ten inches in diameter, which were employed by his colaborer in constructing the telescopes which were so famous in their time. He was long supposed to be in possession of some secret method of avoiding the difficulties which his predecessors had met.

Dubois in Java in 1894 shows a creature with about half the brain capacity of the existing civilized man and with many apelike characteristics. Thus we cannot except even man from the theory of evolution and suppose that he was especially created, as Alfred Russel Wallace, Darwin's contemporary and colaborer, and others, have supposed.

Luther was conscious of the difference in the method of warfare between himself and his colaborer Melanchthon. He says: "I am rough, boisterous, stormy, and altogether warlike. I am born to fight against innumerable monsters and devils. Dr.

We must be ready to do our part and accord to all others the fair opportunity of doing their part. We must co-operate with and help our colaborer. We should approach the solution of each question which may arise with a reasonable and, better still, a friendly spirit.

Bowman arrived and was ushered in to find his colaborer there before him. He did not look especially pleased, and Julia Cloud caught a glance of intelligence passing between Leslie and Allison, with a sudden revelation of a plot behind it all. During the entire evening she sat quietly, saying little, but her eyes dancing with the fun of it.

He made her familiar with his plans and purposes, and asked her to accompany him as his colaborer and companion.

Active Production in Orchestral Composition. Artistic Tour in Holland. He is seized with Brain Disease. Characteristics as a Man, as an Artist, and as a Philosopher. Mme. Schumann as her Husband's Interpreter. Chopin a Colaborer with Schumann. Schumann on Chopin again. Chopin's Nativity. Exclusively a Piano-forte Composer. His Genre as Pianist and Composer. Aversion to Concert-giving.