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She realized at once the position she was in; a perilous enough one, once her identity was disclosed, and she did all in her power to play the part of a Chukche boy.

Again, the boat paused to take on board a youth, whom they supposed to be a Chukche hunter who had been carried by the floes from his native shores. The Russian paid them well for his passage to Seattle. The supposed Chukche was sent to the galley to become cook's helper. This Chukche boy was no other than the Jap girl.

In this rig, with her hair closely plaited to her head, her own mother would have taken her for a young Chukche boy out for a hunt. Other problems now claimed her attention. She was alone in the world without food or shelter. She dared not return to the village. Where should she go? Again she shrugged her shoulders. She was warmly clad, but she was tired and sleepy.

His words were a jumble of Eskimo, Chukche and pidgen-English, but Johnny knew they understood, for, as the speech went on, he saw them drop their weapons, then one by one pick them up again to go shuffling away. Johnny looked about for the Russian. He had disappeared. "Now what did you do that for?" he asked his companion. "Can't tell now," Iyok-ok answered slowly. "Sometime, mebbe. Not now.

How had this one found its way to the heart of a Chukche tribe? Why had the Chukches attempted to murder the Japanese girl and himself? Had it been with the hope of securing wealth from their simple luggage, or had they been bribed to do it? Once more his brain was in a whirl. But there was business at hand. The black spot had developed into a reindeer, driven by a man.