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The princess yielded to her wish, and decided that the brothers should either inherit their father's estate jointly or divide it into equal shares. All the lords of the country assembled to hear the rendering of the decision brave knights from far and near. Chrudis and Staglow, of course, were present, very curious to hear what their princess would decide.

There dwelt once in the neighborhood of Grünberg Castle in Bohemia two brothers Staglow and Chrudis, of the distinguished family of Klemowita and these two had fallen into a fierce dispute over the inheritance of their father's lands.

The older son Chrudis thought that he should inherit all of the estate and that is the custom in some countries, you know while the younger son, Staglow, declared that the property should be equally divided. Now it happened that a sister of the princess Libuscha Vyched lived at the court. She entreated the princess to settle the quarrel according to law.

The two brothers stood near, and scarcely had the last word been uttered when the knight Chrudis, who, as first-born, claimed the estate for himself, sprang excitedly to his feet, mocking and insulting the princess. "Poor people," he said, addressing the assembly, "I am sorry for you who have to be ruled over by a girl."