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Leoninus and Orange Steadfastness of the Prince Changes in the internal government of the northern provinces Generosity and increasing power of the municipalities Incipient jealousy in regard to Orange rebuked His offer of resignation refused by the Estates His elevation to almost unlimited power Renewed mediation of Maximilian Views and positions of the parties Advice of Orange Opening of negotiations at Breda Propositions and counter-propositions Adroitness of the plenipotentiaries on both sides Insincere diplomacy and unsatisfactory results Union of Holland and Zealand under the Prince of Orange Act defining his powers Charlotte de Bourbon Character, fortunes, and fate of Anna of Saxony Marriage of Orange with Mademoiselle de Bourbon Indignation thereby excited Horrible tortures inflicted upon Papists by Sonoy in North Holland Oudewater and Schoonoven taken by Hierges The isles of Zealand A submarine expedition projected Details of the adventure Its entire success Death of Chiappin Vitelli Deliberations in Holland and Zealand concerning the renunciation of Philip's authority Declaration at Delft Doubts as to which of the Great Powers the sovereignty should be offered Secret international relations Mission to England Unsatisfactory negotiations with Elizabeth Position of the Grand Commander Siege of Zieriekzee Generosity of Count John Desperate project of the Prince Death and character of Requesens.

They then contented themselves with compelling his lieutenant to leave the citadel, and with sending their Eletto to confer with the Grand Commander, as well as with the Eletto of the army. After accomplishing his mission, he returned, accompanied by Chiappin Vitelli, as envoy of the Governor-General.

They then contented themselves with compelling his lieutenant to leave the citadel, and with sending their Eletto to confer with the Grand Commander, as well as with the Eletto of the army. After accomplishing his mission, he returned, accompanied by Chiappin Vitelli, as envoy of the Governor-General.

The infantry arrived directly afterwards, and the Huguenots were routed almost as soon as seen. It was a meeting rather than a battle. The slaughter of the French was very great, while but an insignificant number of the Spaniards fell. Chiappin Vitelli was the hero of the day.

The commanders intrusted with this duty were Duke Eric of Brunswick, Chiappin Vitelli, Noircarmes, and Count de Roeulx. The rendezvous for the whole force was Deventer, and here they all arrived on the 10th July. On the same day the Duke of Alva himself entered Deventer, to take command in person.

After the first few moments, however, Alva's manner had changed, while Chiappin Vitelli, Gabriel de Serbelloni, and other principal officers, received the Count with great courtesy, even upon his first appearance.

Chiappin Vitelli, Marquis of Cetona, was field-marshal; a celebrated general whose services had been made over to the King of Spain by Cosmo of Florence; and Gabriel Serbellon was general of artillery. The Duke of Savoy lent Alva an experienced engineer, Francis Pacotto, of Urbino, who was to be employed in the erection of new fortifications.

A force of ten thousand Spaniards, under Chiappin Vitelli, and other favorite officers of the Duke, would hardly prove a trifle to be overlooked, nor would their operations be susceptible of very friendly explanations. The Governor therefore, assured Philip that he "highly applauded his master for his plot.

Chiappin Vitelli, Marquis of Cetona, was field-marshal; a celebrated general whose services had been made over to the King of Spain by Cosmo of Florence; and Gabriel Serbellon was general of artillery. The Duke of Savoy lent Alva an experienced engineer, Francis Pacotto, of Urbino, who was to be employed in the erection of new fortifications.

The infantry arrived directly afterwards, and the Huguenots were routed almost as soon as seen. It was a meeting rather than a battle. The slaughter of the French was very great, while but an insignificant number of the Spaniards fell. Chiappin Vitelli was the hero of the day.