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"I've got it!" he cried, and went downstairs to his laboratory, to reappear with some camel-hair brushes, grease-paints, and a selection from his less important discoveries in the science of cosmetics; namely, an "eyebrow accentuator," a vase of "Tweddle's Cream of Carnations" and "Blondinette Bloom," a china box of "Conserve of Coral" for the lips, and one of his most expensive chevelures.

And she vanished, finally, into the sea of heads at the other end of the market-place; though Rafael, from time to time, thought he could still make out a mass of golden hair rising above the chevelures of the other girls.

This was my own belief at first; but in a few minutes I had reason to change it. For a short while, Sure-shot was encircled by the dusky forms, and I saw him not or only the crown of his head conspicuous by its yellow hue among the darker chevelures of the Indians. What were they doing to him? I could not guess; but they appeared to be offering him no further violence.

Through the glass I see all this, with a clearness that leaves no doubt as to the character of these varied chevelures. They are the scalps of whites both of men and women! And the red-hand upon the shield? A red-hand? Ah! I remember.

There were the bright rows of pretty women and smiling men; the white and fanciful opera-cloaks; the gay rich dresses; the floating ribbons; the marvellous chevelures; the pearl-gray, the dove, and "tan" gloves, holding the jewelled fans and the beautiful bouquets the smile, the sparkle, the grace, the superb and irresistible dandyism that we all know so well in the days of golden youth they were all there, and the warm atmosphere was sweet with the thick odor of heliotrope, the very scent of haute societe.