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Oh, girls!" exclaimed their hostess, who was ahead, "it certainly is raining." "I should say!" gasped Bess. The moisture blew into the cavern's mouth; but that was not much. What startled them was that they were slopping about in several inches of water, and this water seemed to be rising. "There's been a cloudburst back in the hills," declared Rhoda. "This gulch runs a stream."

And she turned and threw her arms about his neck, crying softly: "Wayne! It is home!" For the darkness which she had expected in the cavern's deep interior had fled before the softly brilliant light that bathed it rosily, that came from she did not yet know where.

He was silent, beseeching her with his eyes to relent. Then, owning her right to dominate, he pledged her by the name of his saint to do as she required. Their forced companionship, begun at daylight, was ending as darkness crept through the cavern's mouth.

This time he entered entirely, and then we listened to the furious noises of the two beasts, in a desperate struggle evidently. In ten minutes the commotion ceased, but the hound did not return. I peered into the cavern, but could see nothing. As I rose to my feet after the attempt, I saw Ollabearqui, who had jumped to a point somewhat above the cavern's entrance, with his rifle at his shoulder.