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Making an effort with himself, he threw off this painful idea, and turning to Preciozi, asked: "So you believe that I might have made a nice career in the Church?" "You! I certainly do think so!" exclaimed Preciozi. "With a cardinal for uncle, che carriera you could have made!" "But are there enough different jobs in the Church?"

He then returned to Naples, where after seven years, tormented by remorse, death came to his release. Domenici generously praised the works of Aniella, and quoted her master, Stanzioni, as saying that she was the equal of the best painters of her time. <b>ROSALBA.</b> See Carriera. <b>ROSSI, PROPERZIA DE.</b> Born in Bologna. 1490-1530.

Carpentier exhibited a picture called "Reflection," and in 1903 a portrait of Mme. L. T. and the "Little Goose-Herders." <b>CARRIERA, ROSALBA</b>, better known as Rosalba. Born in Venice 1675-1757 and had an eventful life. Her artistic talent was first manifested in lace-weaving, which as a child she preferred before any games or amusements.

That knot was discussed all up and down the Rue Soubirous Hauts, and even through the Carriera Major! The widow of an old friend of Maitre Gardon had remonstrated on the improprieties of such gay vanities, and Mdlle. Gardon had actually replied, reddening with insolences, that her husband had loved to see her wear the colour.