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In the matter of raising canary-birds at once strong of body and of note, tamed to associate with humanity on rarely friendly terms, and taught to sing with a sweetness nothing short of heavenly Andreas Stoffel was second to none. Canary-birds had been the close companions of this good Andreas through all the fifty years of his lifetime.

Heidegger had already tried to bring back Senesino and the two "costly canary-birds," as Colley Cibber called them, but they had had enough of London, and probably of Handel too. Little is known of the details of this Italian journey; it has been said that Handel travelled with Steffani, but this is impossible, as Steffani died at Frankfurt early in the year.

It was painted green, and on two sides had Venetian blinds; and on one side two glazed sashes; so that it looked like a cool little summer retreat, a snug bit of an arbor at the end of a shady garden lane. Had I been the captain, I would have planted vines in boxes, and placed them so as to overrun this binnacle; or I would have put canary-birds within; and so made an aviary of it.

The sale of canary-birds and poodles might suffer a temporary depression in consequence; but this is comparatively unimportant.

"Barbee!" cried the old man. "Barbee! That yellow canary-bird? Meaning him?" "Yes," retorted Steve a trifle stiffly. "Anything wrong with him?" "I didn't roll them fifty miles to talk about jay-birds an' canary-birds an' such," growled his grandfather. "But here's one thing I've got to say: This ranch is goin' to be mine real soon; that's in the cards, face up. It's as good as mine now.