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We say 'anchor, or 'let go the anchor, or 'dropped the anchor, or some such reasonable expression, and not 'cast anchor, as if a bit of iron, weighing two or three tons, is to be jerked about like a stone big enough to kill a bird with. As for the 'cable-rope, as you call it, we say the 'cable, or 'the chain, or 'the ground tackle, according to reason and circumstances.

In the first place," continued the captain, jerking at his line, and then beginning to count on his fingers "There is the 'man- rope; then come the 'bucket-rope, the 'tiller-rope, the 'bolt- rope, the 'foot-rope, the 'top-rope, and the 'limber-rope. I have followed the seas, now, more than half a century, and never yet heard of a 'cable-rope, from any one who could hand, reef, and steer."

"I have come out with you, commodore," said Captain Truck, when they had got to their station, and laying a peculiar emphasis on the appellation he used, "in order to enjoy myself, and you will confer an especial favour on me by not using such phrases as 'cable-rope, 'casting anchor, and 'titivating. As for the two first, no seaman ever uses them; and I never heard suchna word on board a ship, as the last, D e, sir, if I believe it is to be found in the dictionary, even."

They tied a cable-rope to the top of a high tower, by one end whereof hanging near the ground he wrought himself with his hands to the very top; then upon the same track came down so sturdily and firm that you could not on a plain meadow have run with more assurance. They set up a great pole fixed upon two trees.

"You amaze me, sir! 'Casting anchor, and 'cable-rope' are both Bible phrases, and they must be right." "That follows by no means, commodore, as I have some reason to know; for my father having been a parson, and I being a seaman, we may be said to have the whole subject, as it were, in the family. St. Paul you have heard of such a man as St. Paul, commodore?