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When M. Cambray, in his plain brown coat buttoned to the chin, with black gloves and dull buckle-shoes, appeared in the doorway of the boudoir, which was not open to all the world, every eye was turned in surprise toward him.

Just after breakfast he had watched her as she scrubbed the kitchen floor, and had noticed the pretty lines of her figure in these sprawling attitudes her ankles, stockings, and the upturned soles of her buckle-shoes.

Now the Blue-Coat boys are a curiosity to every sight-seer in London and have been for these hundred years and more. Their long-tailed blue coats, buckle-shoes, and absence of either hats or caps bring the Yankee up with a halt. To conduct an American around to the vicinity of Christ's Hospital and let him discover a "Blue-Coat" for himself is a sensation.

After the Revolution people gave up wearing wigs, and with the passing of wigs and buckle-shoes there came a dislike of the dignified deportment of the eighteenth century in weightier matters than costume. Now Johnson, whatever he did at other times, was commonly inclined to put on his wig before he took up his pen.

It's all jolly, wi' the mil'tary band, an' the smell o' the waves, an' crowds an' crowds o' people an' she won't have occasion to think o' me. P'raps they've bid her wear her best the white frock Mavis gave her, with the stockings to match, and the new buckle-shoes and likely young lads'll eye her all over as they pass.