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Swaggering ruffians from the disreputable haunts of London, cockney apprentices, brokendown tapsters, discarded serving men; the Bardolphs and Pistols, Mouldys, Warts, and the like more at home in tavern-brawls or in dark lanes than on the battle-field were not the men to be entrusted with the honour of England at a momentous crisis.

Consider the number of brokendown royalties in Paris, and picture, if you can, the scowl of disbelief that would cloud the official features of the Gare de l'Est if Prince Michael asked for a special train to Delgratz; booked it on the nod, so to speak.

A few minutes later he departed, saying he hoped Giant would soon get over his hurts. "I guess he will be punished enough when he pays for the glass and the dog," said the small youth, and smiled in spite of his wounds. Getting a ladder, the boys fixed up the brokendown honeysuckle vine, and then bid good-by to Mrs. Carson. She was still a bit timid about letting them go.

Swaggering ruffians from the disreputable haunts of London, cockney apprentices, brokendown tapsters, discarded serving men; the Bardolphs and Pistols, Mouldys, Warts, and the like more at home in tavern-brawls or in dark lanes than on the battle-field were not the men to be entrusted with the honour of England at a momentous crisis.

"If there is any forcing to do, the college is the place for it, when the boy is older and better able to stand the strain. In recent years I have seen not a few brokendown boys enter college. Boys are coming to college now who needs must be told everything, and if there is not a large body of coaches about to tell them, they mutiny.