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Folks that ain't born with the flea of speculation wigglin' in their brain-pans won't never let loose of nothing. It is the feller that is eternally on the lookout for opportunities that will sell the shirt off his back to raise money when he thinks he sees an opening. Then there ain't no fun nor Christianity in making money out of a fool.

It was on this occasion that he told us more than once how Yankees carried brains in their fingers, whereas "common people" alluding by that name to Europeans had them only, if at all, inside their brain-pans. And then he informed us that Lord Palmerston had always hated America.

For as the French book saith, Sir Launcelot smote Sir Gareth and Sir Gaheris upon the brain-pans, wherethrough they were slain in the field; howbeit in very truth Sir Launcelot saw them not, and so were they found dead among the thickest of the press.

We done fin' wha'h dat ol' witch 'oman bury de bodies!" howled a workman in reply. "Imbeciles, asses, beings without brains, listen to me!" shrieked Schmetz, this time in good English. "This corpse is not alive! Never yet was he alive! Return, sons of perdition, and assist me to raise him may he fall upon your brain-pans of donkeys!"

And, as the sexton complied with her injunction, she added, "Now I must have three scalps." "Here they be, mother," replied Zachariah, uncovering a heap of mould with his spade. "Two brain-pans bleached loike snow, an the third wi' more hewr on it than ey ha' o' my own sconce. Fro' its size an shape ey should tak it to be a female. Ey ha' laid these three skulls aside fo' ye.