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I strove in vain to collect my ideas, and arm myself for what I well saw was approaching, and the exact appearance of the singular predicter of my destiny prepared me for the rapid accomplishing of all that had been promised. Louis XV, during this fatal illness, was placed under the care of Bordeu and Lemonnier.

When I returned to my apartment I found Bordeu there, who appeared quite at a loss what to say respecting the king's malady, the symptoms still remained too uncertain to warrant any person in calling it the small-pox. "And should it prove that horrible complaint?" inquired I. "There would, in that case, be considerable danger," replied Bordeu, not without extreme embarrassment..

La Martiniere knew not what to reply; the king undertook his defence. "Blame him not," said he; "but for him I should have quitted this world like a heathen, without making my peace with an offended God." At these words I fainted in the arms of doctor Bordeu, who, with the aid of my attendants, carried me to my chamber, and, at length, succeeded in restoring me.

The time appeared to drag on to an interminable length. At last the duc de Richelieu made his appearance. "Well, my friends," said he, "the king is to be removed to Versailles, spite of your wishes, madam, spite of his own royal inclination, and against mine, likewise. La Martiniere has thundered forth his edict, and poor Bordeu opposed him in vain.

"'What do you think of this determination, Bordeu? "'I think, sire, that you may be permitted to please yourself. "'You hear that, La Martiniere?