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Chief of Black Bogallala Tribe, to the Great White Chief, Tin Lin, DEFIANCE. 'The wigwam of Yellow Vulture wants but one ornament the scalp of the white chief. Yellow Vulture has seen the taunts calling the red warriors "women with the hearts of deer." He will show the Paleface that the anger of the dusky ones is a big heap-lot terrible.

'I wonder if the Bogallala torture prisoners, Jack observed; 'I don't think I could stand that. The General came to the tent-door at this: 'Can't you fellows shut up? he said fiercely. 'They'll hear you! 'They're not here yet we shall know when they come, by the signalling let's all keep quite quiet for a minute or two. There was a breathless interval of silence.

'I think I ought to tell you, he said thickly, 'that a tribe of Bogallala Indians are going to storm our encampment this evening. Perhaps Mrs. Jolliffe was getting a little bored with military topics. 'Yes, yes, she said absently, 'that will be very nice, I'm sure. Don't be too late in coming in, there's good boys. 'You don't mind our being there? there will be danger! he said with meaning.

I don't want to quarrel with any Bogallala. And you have the cheek to ask me if I'm in a funk, and to want to feel my hands. Well, it just serves you right I'm going. 'Well, go then; who wants you? said Guy. But softer-hearted Jack said, 'Clarence, you mustn't. You'll be safe in here; but out there But the General had already vanished. He was crouching outside in the shadow of the stockade.