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The great length of their ears gives to their heads something of a "mulish" look hence they are often known among the trappers by the name of "mule deer." Ike and Redwood spoke of them by this name, although they also knew them as "black-tails," and this last is the designation most generally used.

Stuart gave, from the color of the impending rocks, the name of "The Fiery Narrows." Wintry Storms. A Halt and Council. Cantonment for the Winter. Fine Hunting Country. Game of the Mountains and Plains.-Successful Hunting Mr. Crooks and a Grizzly Bear. The Wigwam. Bighorn and Black-Tails. Beef and Venison. Good Quarters and Good Cheer. An Alarm. An Intrusion.

He had knocked his one over while on the run no easy matter with these black-tails, who do not gallop regularly as other deer, but bound forward, lifting all their feet together, as you will sometimes see sheep do. This mode of running is one of the peculiarities of their species which, perhaps, more than any other thing, distinguishes them from the common deer.

Like the bighorn, the black-tails at this time were grazing, not browsing; but I occasionally saw them nibble some willow buds. During the winter they had been browsing. As we got close to the Hot Springs we came across several white-tail in an open, marshy meadow. They were not quite as tame as the black-tail, although without any difficulty I walked up to within fifty yards of them.

We put spurs to our horses and cantered rapidly toward the appointed place, and on the way we passed within forty yards of a score of black-tails, which merely moved to one side and looked at us, and within a hundred yards of half a dozen antelope.