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"Shall we submit to insult? shall we sit down like frightened birds and see the black-livered cormorant steal what is ours? shall the courage of the Poloes be questioned by all the surrounding tribes? Never! while we have knives in our boots and spears in our hands.

"Them afraid," answered Serato. "Them say devil in tunnel eat um up! No go in." "They won't go in, eh?" cried Tim Sullivan. "Well, they will thot! If there's a divil inside there's a worse one outside, an' thot's me! Git in there now, ye black-livered spalapeens!" and catching up a big club the Irishman made a rush for the hesitating laborers.

"The niggers know too much; and where did they get their rifles? People at Rozenboom's believe some black-livered traitor has been stirring up the Matabele for weeks and weeks. An enemy of Rhodes's, of course, jealous of our advance; a French agent, perhaps; but more likely one of these confounded Transvaal Dutchmen. Depend upon it, it's Kruger's doing."

Then DOROTHY puts her hand to her brow as if she is remembering something horrible. DOROTHY. Roger! Now I remember! It is not safe for you to stay! Am I a puling child to be afraid? DOROTHY. My Lord Carey is here. He has read your letter. ROGER. The black-livered dog! Would I had him at my sword's point to teach him manners. DOROTHY. Oh, you are wounded! ROGER. Faugh,'tis but a scratch.