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'There is some news, said mine host of the Candlestick, pushing his lantern-jawed visage and bare-boned nag rudely forward into the crowd 'there is some news; and, if it please my Creator, I will forthwith obtain speirings thereof. Waverley, with better regulated curiosity than his attendant's, dismounted and gave his horse to a boy who stood idling near.

'There is some news, said mine host of the Candlestick, pushing his lantern-jawed visage and bare-boned nag rudely forward into the crowd 'there is some news; and, if it please my Creator, I will forthwith obtain speirings thereof. Waverley, with better regulated curiosity than his attendant's, dismounted and gave his horse to a boy who stood idling near.

'There is some news, said mine host of the Candlestick, pushing his lantern-jawed visage and bare-boned nag rudely forward into the crowd 'there is some news; and, if it please my Creator, I will forthwith obtain speirings thereof. Waverley, with better regulated curiosity than his attendant's, dismounted and gave his horse to a boy who stood idling near.

'There is some news, said mine host of the Candlestick, pushing his lantern-jawed visage and bare-boned nag rudely forward into the crowd 'there is some news; and if it please my Creator, I will forthwith obtain speirings thereof. Waverley, with better regulated curiosity than his attendant's, dismounted, and gave his horse to a boy who stood idling near.

The whole day long he drove about the village with a pair of black horses pulling planks and beams after them. The mother saw him almost daily with the horses as they plodded along the road, their feet trembling under the strain and dropping heavily upon the ground. They were both old and bare-boned, their heads shook wearily and sadly, and their dull, jaded eyes blinked heavily.

I accordingly mounted on front, protected by a blouse and umbrella, for it was beginning to rain dismally. The miserable, bare-boned horses were fastened with rope-traces, and the vetturino having taken the rope-lines in his hand, gave a flourish with his whip; one old horse tumbled nearly to the ground, but he jerked him up again and we rattled off.

In both the dog and the wolf there are thirteen pairs of ribs, nine true and four false. Each has forty-two teeth. They both have five front and four hind toes, while outwardly the common wolf has so much the appearance of a large, bare-boned dog, that a popular description of the one would serve for the other. Nor are their habits different.

I may say with truth, they are poorly fed and badly clothed. It is this miserable system of living which makes them such lanky bare-boned objects. I observe, also, they feel the fatigue very much, as much as I myself, though unwell with drinking the water and serving a hard apprenticeship to Desert-travelling.

There is a concentrated vigor in the thrust of the lance, and a cool venom in the countenance of the assailant, that we may seek in vain in the works of famous battle-painters; and it must always be remembered that Holbein's figure is entirely without those indications of muscular movement by which we express our feelings, in fact, a mere bare-boned skeleton.