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"An' s'posin' I did?" "Then give it 'ere!" "An' that's his gratitood, sir!" growled Joe, shaking his head and giving the packet into the old man's clutching fingers. "A unnat'ral old bag-o'-bones, that's what 'e is, sir!" "Bones!" croaked the Old Un viciously. "Bag-o'-bones am I? Yah look at ye'self pork, that's what you are, all run to pork an' blubber an' fat, Joe, me pore lad "

"Wa'al," said David with a grin, "I ben a little down in the mouth lately 'bout Polly seems to be fallin' away some don't weigh much more 'n I do, I guess;" but Miss Clara only laughed at this gloomy report. "How is my horse Kirby?" she asked. "Wa'al, the ole bag-o'-bones is breathin' yet," said David, chuckling, "but he's putty well wore out has to lean up agin the shed to whicker.

"But I have no money, gossip. Let me go after that vile bag-o'-bones, and I'll soon get it out of him." "Not so," replied the other. "If I waited for you to collect from Robin Hood, I would soon close up shop." "What is the account?" asked Middle. "Ten shillings, just." "Then take here my working-bag and my good hammer too; and if I light upon that knave I will soon come back after them."

And she held up and spread abroad the skirt with her two hands, and it was indeed goodly to look on. The witch-wife snorted scornfully and scowled on her, and said: Thine ankles forsooth! Bag-o'-bones! thou wisp! forsooth, thou art in love with thy looks, though thou knowest not what like a fair woman is.