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Updated: November 13, 2024

This only do I ask: Thou Giver of Life, be not angry, be not severe on earth, let us live with thee on earth, take us to the Heavens. Azo tle nello nicyaitohua nican ipalnemohua, zan tontemiqui y, zan toncochitlehuaco, nicitoa in tlalticpac ye ayac huel tontiquilhuia ye nicana. But what can I speak truly here of the Giver of Life?

We only dream, we are plunged in sleep; I speak here on earth; but never can we speak in worthy terms here. In manel ye chalchihuitl, mantlamatilolli, on aya mazo ya ipalnemohuani ayac hueltic ilhuia nicana.

In quetzalin chalchiuhtla ipan ye nicmatia yectli ye nocuic yectli noxochiuh annicuihuan tepilhuan aya xonahuiacan a ayac onnemiz o in tlalticpac ayo. In this spot of turquoise and emerald, I think upon beauteous songs, beauteous flowers; let us rejoice now, dear friends and children, for life is not long upon earth.

Although they are flowers, although they are songs, how shall I grieve that your efforts have been in vain, that you have gone forth from the world. Manton ahuiacan antocnihuan aya ma on nequech nahualo nican huiya a xochintlaticpac ontiyanemi yenican ayac quitlamitehuaz in xochitl in cuicatl in mani a ichan ipalnemohuani yi ao ailili yi ao aya hue aye ohuaya.

I am like the quetzal bird, I am created in the house of the one only God; I sing sweet songs among the flowers; I chant songs and rejoice in my heart. Xochiatl in pozontimania in tlallaicpac oquihuinti ye noyol ahua. The fuming dew-drops from the flowers in the field intoxicate my soul. Ninochoquilia niquinotlamati ayac in chan oo tlallicpac ahua.

Can yio cuicatli tonequimilol quipoloaya a in totlacuiloli tepilhuan oo maya o huitihua nican aya ayac ichan tlalticpac oo ticyacencahuazque huelic ye xochitl ayio. Even this song for thy draping may perish, which we have written for our children, it will no longer have a home here on earth when we shall wholly leave these fragrant flowers.

Tlahuizcalteochitla oncuepontimani in ixochiquiyaopan in tloque in nahuaque, onahuachtotonameyotimani in teyolquima; ma xiqualitacan in atle ipan ontlatao, zannen cuepontimanio ayac mahaca quelehuiao in antocnihuan amo zannen ya xochitl yoliliztlapalneucxochitla e.

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