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I leaned back and laughed bitterly! the realization that she understood so completely that it was only a "soulagement" an "asperine" for me, so to speak as the Duchesse said cut in like a knife. I had the exasperated feeling that I was just being pandered to, humored by everyone, because I was wounded. I was an object of pity, and even my paid typist but I can't write about it.

Maurice thinks it might divert me What do you think?" "One must consider," and she began pouring out the tea, "paper is scarce I doubt, my son, if what you would inscribe upon it would justify the waste but still as a soulagement an asperine so to speak perhaps yes. On what subject?" "That is what I want your advice about, a novel? or a study upon Altruism, or or something like that?"

"I will type this at home and return it to the flat on Tuesday if that will be all right," she said and: I answered: "Thank you" and turned my face to the wall And after a little, when she had gone, Burton came in and gave me the medicine the Doctor had told him to give me, he said but I have a strong suspicion it was simply asperine, for then I fell into a dreamy sleep and forgot my aching body and my troubled mind.

He insisted that I take three grains of quinine, two grains of asperine, rub the back of my neck with benzine, soak my ankles in kerosene, then a little phenacetine, and a hot whiskey toddy every half hour before meals. If I found it hard to take the toddy he volunteered to run in every half hour and help me. Then his wife, Aunt Jessica, blew in with a decoction she called catnip tea.