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'But supposin', Ma'am, said his reverence, referring to the astounding allegation of her marriage with Nutter; 'for the sake of argumint, it should turn out to be so, in coorse you would not like to turn the poor woman out iv doors, without a penny in her pocket, to beg her bread?

She's always got the bist of the argumint, but I'm thinkin' that would cork her. You won't?" questioned Jimmy resentfully. "Kape it to yoursilf, thin, like you did your wine." He shoved the bucket toward the barkeeper, and emptied his pocket on the bar.

I'm a woman, and when I git my teeth sot in a argumint I never do let up. Have your dreams, you you boy! And in the meantime, if you have any plans, tell me, please, what are you going to do with him in the morning?" Caleb Hunter bobbed his head, vehemently. Rapidly he related to her the episode of the switch engine in Dexter Allison's millyards.

"There's some good argumints on both sides iv th' quisthion," said the Kerry man. "I heerd a man be th' name of Doyle, a helper, compare money to th' human lungs." "Th' lung argumint is all right," said Mr. Dooley. "Th' whole currency question is a matther iv lungs." Mr.

'Then we've had enough? said the second, with an uneasy eye on Jim. 'We have that, continued Ryan, 'onless some other gintleman would like to resoom th' argumint where I dthropped it. The fallen hero ran his good eye eagerly from face to face. But Done had already returned to his bunk, and the others seemed indisposed to put him to further trouble. No more jokes were played upon the Hermit.