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"I realize it now," was the young Dutchman's reply. "I wish I were going with you, but it may be that I can be of more service here." "Undoubtedly," said Hal, "if this is an example." "Now don't forget who you are," enjoined Block. "You," to Hal, "are Herr Block, of The Amsterdamer." To Chester, "You are Herr Amusdem" To McKenzie: "You are Herr Spidle, both of The Nederlander. Do not forget.

We left there after breakfast, and were put across a creek which runs by the door, and shown the road to go to an English plantation. The owner was not at home, but we first passed a small plantation where an Amsterdamer was engaged in carpenter work, who very willingly pointed out the road.

Hal announced that he would like to see Mrs. Schweiring. "Your card," said the footman, allowing him to enter. "I have no card," said Hal. "You will tell her that Herr Block, of the Dutch newspaper, The Amsterdamer, desires to see her." The footman bowed and departed. A few moments later he returned, followed by a young woman she could not have been more than 18, Hal decided.

"By the way," said the Dutch officer, "there is a Dutch newspaperman here at this moment. Perhaps you would like to meet him. He is Herr Heindrick Block, of the Amsterdamer." "We shall be pleased," said Hal quietly. The Dutch officer excused himself, and returned a moment later with a young Dutchman, whom he introduced to the three friends. They shook hands all around.