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Two Sisters, Hopewell, Symetry, Generous Friends, Bridgewater, Thames, Amity's Production, Tartar, Duchess of Gordon, Littledale, William and Mary, and Free Briton, which are to carry Companies commanded by Sylvanus Whitney, Joseph Gorham, Henry Thomas, John Forrester, Thomas Elms, John Cock, Joseph Clarke, James Hoyt, Christopher Benson, Joseph Forrester, Thomas Welch, Oliver Bourdet, Asher Dunham, Abia.

Their dresses were largely similar Amity's a dun, Gilda Penny's grey, moire silk, high with a tight lace collar, and bands of jet trimming from shoulder to waist, there spreading over crinoline to the floor. Lace fell about their square, capable hands, and Gilda wore broad, locked bracelets checked in black and gold. Sherry, in blue cut decanters stoppered with gilt, gave place to port.

Already the capstan had been manned, and the men were tramping round against the pawls, the fifes playing merrily, to run the anchor up to the bows. While stationed at the fore-topsail braces, as he looked through a port he had recognised Jessie in the Amity's boat. The temptation to bid her farewell was greater than he could resist.

As she approached the island, she must have discovered the English flag flying from the Amity's masthead; for instantly her own dark symbol was run up, and a shot was fired from her side, as if in defiance. Happily, the wind, which had been light, prevented her from entering the harbour.