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He turned to fly, but his own serfs betrayed him, judged him in rude mockery of the law that had wronged them, condemned him, killed him. Five days the corpse lay half-stripped in the open field, none daring to bury it so ran the sentence of his murderers while the mob poured unresisted into Bury. The scene was like some wild orgy of the French Revolution than any after-scenes in England.

As soon as the work is done the room is cleared for supper, after which the old folks retire, and the second and most pleasing part of the performance begins. These after-scenes were always entered into with a spirit of fun and honest abandonment truly refreshing. Where dancing was not objected to, a rustic fiddler would be spirited in by some of the youngsters as the sport began.

Thus, reader, it has been my happy fortune to record poetical justice to the various characters that have figured in the pages of our history. I hear you exclaim, that two have been forgotten, the hero and heroine? Ah! no not forgotten. Would you have me paint the ceremony the pomp and splendour the ribbons and rosettes the after-scenes of perfect bliss? Hymen, forbid!

When we reached the Heath, I have present the rising and accelerated step, with the gradual subsidence of all talk, as we drew towards the cottage. The interview, which stretched into three "morning calls," was the prelude to many after-scenes and saunterings about Caen Wood and its neighborhood; for Keats was suddenly made a familiar of the household, and was always welcomed.