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Porter, I would suggest further that it would, perhaps, be preferable to place the wheels at the front end, that the rudder might remain in its original position, and the aeroport could swing behind the propellers on encountering side currents of air, and could thus be more easily guided. I firmly believe that Mr.

And, as the more suggestions placed before the minds of those working for the improvement of any invention, the greater number will they have from which to choose or experiment upon, I would like to make one suggestion here, which may be of some importance in the construction and operation of the "Aeroport," under the supervision of Mr.

My reason for being thus persuaded is, that as the forward and aft halves of the float are cone-shaped the center being the base, and the front and rear ends being the vertexes there must be an increased velocity of the atmosphere from front to aft as the aeroport advances.

From what little knowledge I possess of aerial navigation, I am persuaded that it would take less power to propel the "Aeroport" at a given speed, if the wheels were placed at the rear or front portion of the flying ship.

Consequently the driving wheels being placed under the center or largest diameter of the float, they must evidently revolve with greater rapidity in the current of air passing between the float and the saloon, going in opposite direction to that in which the aeroport is flying at a given speed, than they would were they placed in front or behind where the atmosphere is comparatively at rest.