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Yet neither does his gallantry nor his devotion seem to have ever halted his pen for a moment in the years that succeeded his ordination. His dramatic composition of this period is quite abundant and other literary forms are not neglected. Two interesting incidents in the poet's life are never omitted by his biographers.

Although it is doubtless quite true that there has been in modern Spain no writer of short stories who rivals Guy de Maupassant, nor has there been any writer of longer stories who may compare favorably with Honoré de Balzac, yet, as a whole, the Spain of the nineteenth century has probably been pictured as faithfully as France by native authors.

Manrique is a selfish and ambitious man, who well deserves his fate. Nuño is unscrupulous and weak, but the weakest character of all is that of Leonor, who, knowing her duty, has neither strength nor will to accomplish it. Azucena is really the most interesting character in the play.

Al fin del pasillo, a la izquierda, por una puerta entornada oíase el tic tac de un enorme reloj y una voz infantil, pero de niño de la escuela, que leía deteniéndose en cada sílaba: En...ton...ces... San... I...re...ne...o... ex...cla...:... Yo... soy... el... tri...go del... Se...ñor... Es... ne...ce...sa...rio... que... me... tri...tu...ren... las... mue...las... de... es...tos... a...ni...ma...les... Acerqueme con precaución a aquella puerta y miré.