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For the vertigo arising from indigestion, the peruvian bark and a blister are recommended. And for that owing to a stone in the ureter, venesection, cathartics, opiates, sal soda aerated. Definition of vertigo. 1.

It was much dilated, and only a small amount of the kidney-substance remained. A calculus blocked the ureter at its commencement. The patient was a woman of thirty-one, and made a good recovery. From the Middlesex Hospital was a kidney containing a uric acid calculus which was successfully removed from a man of thirty-five.

In the repair of such a case after a vaginal hysterectomy Mayo reports a successful reimplantation of the ureter into the bladder. Stricture of the ureter is also a very rare occurrence except as a result of compression of abdominal or pelvic new growths.

And thus the other irritative trains of motions, which are associated with it, become disordered by their sympathy. The same happens, when a piece of gravel sticks in the ureter, or when some part of the intestinal canal becomes inflamed. In these cases the irritative muscular motions are first disturbed by unusual stimulus, and a disordered action of the sensual motions, or dizziness ensues.

The distal end of the ureter was ligated, and the proximal end implanted in the bladder according to Van Hook's method, which consists in tying the lowered end of the ureter, then making a slit into it, and invaginating the upper end into the lower through this slit. A perfect cure followed. Similar cases have been reported by Kelly, Krug, and Bache Emmet.

Tenderness existed behind the prostate and along the course of left ureter. Temperature of patient oscillated from 97.5 degrees to 103.2 degrees F. There was no history at any time of recto-vesical fistula. Can anyone suggest the name, etc., of this helminth?"

If to the famished blood was added one of the substances contained as ultimate products of digestion in the blood, such, for example, as urea, then did the secretion ensue. The fluid dropping from the ureter contained more urea than did the blood. That fluid was therefore no filtrate, but a secretion.

On making a longitudinal section of the kidney, the upper end of the ureter is found to expand into a basin-like enlargement which is embedded in the concave side of the kidney. From the summits of the pyramids extend great numbers of very small tubes which, by branching, penetrate to all parts of the kidneys.

Penrose, assisted by Baldy, has performed this operation after excision of an inch of the left ureter for carcinomatous involvement.

After passing a distance many times greater than from the surface to the center of the kidney, the tubule empties its contents into the expanded portion of the ureter. Outer portion or cortex. 2. Medullary portion. 3. Pyramids. 4. Pelvis. 5. Ureter. A. Small section enlarged to show the tubules and their connection with the capsules.