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A short time, however, only had elapsed when the dhow was seen to rehoist her sail; but it was evident from her position that her head had been brought round, and was now pointing to the southward. "It is pretty clear that the Arabs intend to run for it," observed Charley to Ned. "And if they go round the world we shall have to follow them," answered Ned in a low voice. The boat sailed well.

Except the Commodore and four or five others, every man on board was either killed or wounded. Perry abandoned her, and the colours were hauled down; but he only left one ship to rehoist his flag in another, as yet untouched.

He then ordered them to go forward to rehoist the sail, while he sent one of his men to the helm. While they were engaged in these arrangements, Ned cast his eye on the other dhow, of which Rhymer had been ordered to take charge. "Look out there, Rhymer!" he exclaimed; "that fellow is getting up his long yard again, and will try to give us the slip."

If he were to haul down his colours he would rehoist them directly that, in running down to take possession of him, he had got us fairly within the range of his broadside; and at close quarters he would simply sink us in ten minutes. No; I am sorry, but I can see nothing for it but to leave him unless you have any plan to suggest, Mr Bowen."

Still, twelve was not an out-of-the-way number, since in these chasse-marees one must lower and rehoist the big sails at every fresh tack. As it happened, however, we had a fair wind right across from Roscoff, and made a good landfall of the Dodman at four in the afternoon, just twenty hours after starting.