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One of the heirs from Petersburg, an important man, with a Greek nose and a majestic expression of face, Rostislav Adamitch Shtoppel, went so far as to go up to Nedopyuskin and look haughtily at him over his shoulder.

The relation to whom Rostislav Adamitch chanced to turn with this question did not, unfortunately, know French, and so he confined himself to a faint grunt of approbation. But another relation, a young man, with patches of a yellow colour on his forehead, hastened to chime in, 'Wee, wee, to be sure. 'Perhaps, Mr.

'I beg your pardon, I beg your pardon, I didn't know, stammered Shtoppel; 'I didn't know.... 'And beg his too! vociferated the implacable Panteley. 'I beg your pardon too, added Rostislav Adamitch, addressing Nedopyuskin, who was shaking as if he were in an ague.

Nedopyuskin, in his agitation and confusion, had not taken in the unknown gentleman's words, but the others were all quiet at once; the wit smiled condescendingly. Mr. Shtoppel rubbed his hands and repeated his question. Nedopyuskin raised his eyes in bewilderment and opened his mouth. Rostislav Adamitch puckered his face up sarcastically.

'Ss ss ss! he hissed like one possessed, and all at once he thundered: 'Who am I? Who am I? I'm Panteley Tchertop-hanov, of the ancient hereditary nobility; my forefathers served the Tsar: and who may you be? Rostislav Adamitch turned pale and stepped back. He had not expected such resistance. 'I I a fish indeed!

During the whole time of reading the will he had kept, as he always did, haughtily apart from the others. 'Stop that! he repeated, throwing his head back proudly. Mr. 'Tchertop-hanov he's no great shakes, the latter whispered in his ear. Rostislav Adamitch assumed a haughty air.

'Stop that! a loud harsh voice suddenly interrupted Rostislav Adamitch; 'I wonder you're not ashamed to torment the poor man! Everyone looked round. In the doorway stood Tchertop-hanov. As a cousin four times removed of the deceased contractor, he too had received a note of invitation to the meeting of the relations.