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Mudge tells me you have some idle money and I feel sure that you could not place it where you'd get bigger returns." "W-western irrigated lands have a-always interested me c-considerably," admitted Mr. Prescott, "but heretofore the estate which I represent has confined itself chiefly to the acquirement of water-power sites and their development. They they're good investments in your opinion?"

"H-how'd you know it how'd you know it, Cynthy?" How did she know it, indeed? "I guessed it," said Cynthia, desperately, "knowing you, I guessed it." "A-always thought you was smart, Cynthy." "Tell me, did you do this thing?" "Th-thought you knowed it th-thought you knowed." "I believe that these men are doing your bidding." "Hain't you guessin' a little mite too much; Cynthy?"

"I had so determined." "A-always thought you was high-minded," said Jethro. Mr. Worthington was on the point of giving a tart reply to this, but restrained himself. "Then I may look upon the matter as settled?" he said. "The Consolidation Bill is to become a law?" "Yes," said Jethro, "you'll get your bill." Mr.

"I had so determined." "A-always thought you was high-minded," said Jethro. Mr. Worthington was on the point of giving a tart reply to this, but restrained himself. "Then I may look upon the matter as settled?" he said. "The Consolidation Bill is to become a law?" "Yes," said Jethro, "you'll get your bill." Mr.

"H-how'd you know it how'd you know it, Cynthy?" How did she know it, indeed? "I guessed it," said Cynthia, desperately, "knowing you, I guessed it." "A-always thought you was smart, Cynthy." "Tell me, did you do this thing?" "Th-thought you knowed it th-thought you knowed." "I believe that these men are doing your bidding." "Hain't you guessin' a little mite too much; Cynthy?"

Sukey, having adjusted the last pin, became hysterical over her handiwork, Millicent Skinner stared openmouthed, words having failed her for once, and Jethro thrust his hands in his pockets in a quiet ecstasy of approbation. "A-always had a notion that cloth'd set you off, Cynthy," said he, "er next time I go to the state capital you come along g-guess it'll surprise 'em some."

"I had so determined." "A-always thought you was high-minded," said Jethro. Mr. Worthington was on the point of giving a tart reply to this, but restrained himself. "Then I may look upon the matter as settled?" he said. "The Consolidation Bill is to become a law?" "Yes," said Jethro, "you'll get your bill." Mr.

Sukey, having adjusted the last pin, became hysterical over her handiwork, Millicent Skinner stared openmouthed, words having failed her for once, and Jethro thrust his hands in his pockets in a quiet ecstasy of approbation. "A-always had a notion that cloth'd set you off, Cynthy," said he, "er next time I go to the state capital you come along g-guess it'll surprise 'em some."

"H-how'd you know it how'd you know it, Cynthy?" How did she know it, indeed? "I guessed it," said Cynthia, desperately, "knowing you, I guessed it." "A-always thought you was smart, Cynthy." "Tell me, did you do this thing?" "Th-thought you knowed it th-thought you knowed." "I believe that these men are doing your bidding." "Hain't you guessin' a little mite too much; Cynthy?"

Sukey, having adjusted the last pin, became hysterical over her handiwork, Millicent Skinner stared openmouthed, words having failed her for once, and Jethro thrust his hands in his pockets in a quiet ecstasy of approbation. "A-always had a notion that cloth'd set you off, Cynthy," said he, "er next time I go to the state capital you come along g-guess it'll surprise 'em some."