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"I'mi trovai, fanciulle, un bel mattino Di mezzo maggio, in un verde giardino."

Cavalcanti, being exiled from Florence, went on a visit to the shrine of Saint James of Compostella; and upon the way, passing through Toulouse, he was captivated by a beautiful Spanish girl, whom he has made celebrated under the name of Mandetta: "In un boschetto trovai pastorella, Più che la stella bella al mio parere, Capegli avea biondetti e ricciutelli."

"Its very thought is almost death to me; Yet, having found some good there, I will tell Of other things which there I chanced to see." "Tanto e amara, che poco e piu morte: Ma per trattar del teen ch' i' vi trovai, Diro dell' altre Bose, ch' io v' ho scorte." Inferno, I. 7-10. Again in Canto X. we find:

Out, out! Could any one save a humourist of high order have given Moses such a pair of horns, or set, under Music, such a shagged Tubal to belabour an anvil? The wall sings like an anthology, a Gothic anthology where "Bele Aliz matin leva" is versicle, and "In un boschetto trovai pastorella" antiphon.

Bolingbroke, roused by his friend's representations, and perhaps by a sense of approaching danger, resolved to assume the guidance of his wife, or at least of himself. In opposition to his sovereign lady's will, he actually spent this evening as he pleased. "E sol quei giorni io mi vidi contenta, Ch'averla compiaciuto mi trovai."